Park Wood Drive, Baldwins Gate, ST5


Full Description

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be whisked away to a bungalow that’s so unique that it might just have a touch of magic! This two-bedroom detach…

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be whisked away to a bungalow that's so unique that it might just have a touch of magic! This two-bedroom detached wonderland is more than just a house; it's a whimsical adventure waiting to be explored. Step into the modern kitchen, where culinary creations come to life and every meal becomes a masterpiece. The dining room is a stage for your dinner party dreams, where you can wine, dine, and impress your guests with your culinary prowess. The living room, with its stunning rural views, is like having your own private haven to watch nature's epic show unfold. But wait, there's more! The conservatory is your personal gateway to the great outdoors, where you can sip your morning coffee while communing with chirping birds or turn it into your secret dance floor beneath the stars. When it's time to retire to your chambers, the master bedroom comes with fitted wardrobes that are so organized, Marie Kondo herself would give them a standing ovation. Bedroom number two has a surprise that's the cat's pajamas—a secret en-suite with a sauna! That's right, your very own spa day, every day. No more morning bathroom traffic jams because there's also a shower room for your convenience. And, bonus, a double garage for all your toys and plenty of parking for your party guests. Let's not forget the real stars of the show—the gardens! These lush and vibrant gardens are a testament to the hard work of the current owners. Bursting at the seams with plants and shrubs that could make a botanist jealous, it's like stepping into a living work of art. The decked sun terrace is the perfect spot for sunbathing, stargazing, or spontaneous dance-offs. And the shed, well, who knows what secrets it holds? Maybe it's a secret passage to Narnia (we can only dream). So, if you're looking for a home that's not just a house, but a charming adventure filled with surprises, make this quirky bungalow your next enchanted abode. Come and see it for yourself, and let the magic begin!


Contact Us

James Du Pavey
11B High Street, Eccleshall
ST21 6BW
T: 01785 851886
E: [email protected]